Marie Commisso

Offering: Integrative Wellness Sessions

Every wellness session is sacred and beginning each session where the individual is and with what they feel they need and want is key.  Then we follow the lead of the physical body tissues as well as the energetic body while integrating tools and practices to complete a comprehensive session through subtle yet powerful integration of body and energy work.  A few possible modalities that may come forward to include in a session are craniosacral therapy, meridian acupressure, therapeutic massage, somatic emotional release, Reiki, messages from spirit, drumming, crystals, chimes, raindrop technique, and positional release.  

More about Marie…

I am a curious explorationist who is passionate about combining the scientific
aspect of all things with the spiritual aspects of all things. The faith I have in this work is based on my own personal experience in receiving as well as being fortunate enough to bear witness to the transformations experienced by those I get to work with. I personally needed proof that modalities such as space clearing, Reiki, drumming, CST, and messages from spirit are true forms of healing. This proof has carried me from questioning to believing to building faith and ultimately to knowing without a doubt that spirit guidance, energetic exchange, life experiences, and physical health are all connected.